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Kejohanan Ping Pong bagi Penduduk Kampong Pelambayan kali ke-4


| AdminPelambayan

Acara bagi Majlis Meraikan Warga Emas Kampong Pelambayan akan diadakan pada Hari Jumaat 27 Syawal 1430 bersamaan dengan 16 Oktober 2009. Acara yang mengambil tempat di kawasan rumah Ketua Kampong ini akan dimulai pada kira-kira jam 2.30 petang.

Antara tujuan Majlis ini diadakan adalah untuk mengingati jasa-jasa warga emas yang tinggal di Kampong Pelambayan. Majlis ini akan dimuatkan didalam program tahunan bagi Kampong Pelambayan.

Sila masuk ke Galeri Aktiviti untuk melihat gambar yang diambil semasa Majlis diadakan.


THE secret of living a long life lies entirely on the intake of healthy food. This was the words of wisdom shared by the oldest person living in Kampong Pelambayan, Dayang Damit binti Bagol who is 93-years-old.

The grandmother said, “My secret for long life is eating steamed food. Steamed food is healthy and most important of all, it is not greasy.”

The elderly lady is still healthy and in good shape. According to her family members, she can still walk five blocks in order to get to the mosque to pray everyday.

Dayang Damit binti Bagol was one of four recipients of the oldest senior citizen of Pelambayan village honoured in a ceremony that aimed to celebrate Hari Raya with senior citizens from the village. The other three recipients are 90-year-old Dayang hjh Safiah binti Jamudin, Awang Hj chuchu bin Jaafar and Hj Moktal bin Shamsuddin who are both 86 years of age.

The guest of honour presenting the gifts was the Assistant Brunei Muara District Officer, Awang Haji Haris Bin Othman. Also present during the cermony was the Deputy Permanent Secretary (Policy and Administration) of Finance, Awang Hj Roselan bin Hj Mohd Daud, as well as the head of Pelambayan village, Awang Haji Hanipah bin Begawan Pehin Udana Khatib Hj Junit, along with village and mukim consultative council members.

Petikan dari Borneo Bulletin Online oleh James Kon, Sabtu 17 Oktober 2009

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